Driver App

Designed to streamline your work and help you earn more.

Earn money easily and safely

Our driver app is designed to make your job easier and help you earn more. With an intuitive, user-friendly interface, you can manage your rides efficiently and receive real-time notifications. Additionally, the app offers useful tools such as integrated GPS navigation, earnings tracking, and instant support. Join our driver community and discover how our technology can make your daily routine simpler and more productive

Drive whenever you want

Receive trip requests only when you're activated.

On our platform, drivers have complete control. You can go online to receive trip requests whenever you want and also view high-demand areas. Additionally, you'll see available time to maximize your earnings. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to manage your time efficiently and profitably.

Receive requests upon activation.

Discover high-demand areas.

Get assistance and information.

Review each trip request

Know the details of the route for each trip.

You'll receive an alert and notification for each trip request, and you'll see on screen all trip details, including the pickup point, stops or destinations, and the estimated cost of the trip.

Receive alerts and notifications.

Verify the pickup and destination points.

Know the estimated cost of the trip.

Accept the request and earn money.

Earnings report

Get a summary of the earnings you have obtained

In our app, you can access a detailed daily summary of the earnings you've generated. This feature allows you to maintain an accurate record of your daily income, which is crucial for organizing your personal finances and strategically planning your work.

View earnings for the current day.

View earnings for the current month.

View earnings for the current Year.

Download the 1099-NEC form.